My Ancestors Among the Puritans and Pilgrims of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies

You probably haven’t thought about it before, but you have a lot of great grandparents. For example, if you go back 10 generations of ancestors, in that 10th generation alone, you have 1,024 8th great grandparents. And if you go back 2 more generations, you’ll have 4,096 of your 10th great grandparents. Your total number … Read more

The Confederate Waterloo: The Battle at Five Forks and General Samuel Crawford’s Heroic 3rd Division

The Appomattox Campaign had begun slowly, with both Union and Confederate forces moving west and getting into position for a fight. Then, on March 31, 1865, the two forces met along two main roads for two bloody fights. The Confederates attacked first at White Oak Road, under the direction of General Robert E. Lee. However, … Read more

The Beginning of the Appomattox Campaign – The Battle of White Oak Road

The morale of General Samuel Crawford’s 3rd Division must have been very high in the last week of March 1865. The division had just been reviewed by their Commander-in-Chief Abraham Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, and their commander of The Army of the Potomac, General George Meade. But their opponent, the Army of Northern … Read more

A History of the Hynes Clan in Ireland

The Legends of Guaire The Hospitable, Saint Patrick, Niall of the Nine Hostages, and My Great Grandmother Catherine Hynes My ancestry has people from nearly half the countries in today’s European Union. But of all those countries, it is Ireland that I have identified with the most. I have enjoyed all the superficial trappings of … Read more